Unge mødes i Rwanda for at tale køn og ligestilling
Verdensmålene var på dagsordenen på seminaret i Rwanda, første uge i oktober.
Frivillige fra henholdsvis Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya, Etiopien og Danmark mødtes til et fælles seminar. Seminaret var et samarbejde mellem IMCC og MEDSAR i Rwanda.
Feedbacken fra deltagerne lød bla.:
“I will take the love of working with people from all around the world with me. The seemingly ambitious but rather possible idea of one same world. I will take with me how youths all around the world are similar and perhaps want similar things.”
“Hands-on video skills that I can use anytime both as an individual and as a member of the project. This is a pretty nifty advocacy tool and I am excited to go forward and use it more and more. We have so much raw footage that we weren't sure how exactly to use, and now we have found a use for it.”
“First and probably most importantly: New energy! It has been such a rough period for IMCC with covid. Multiple members have left the partnership and the attendance of the monthly meetings have been lower and lower. But after an intense week of getting to know my partners and learn a lot about them as actually a lot more about our own project, I’m really looking forward to play a much bigger role in our partnership.”
Alle IMCCs partnerskabsprojekter arbejder med unge og sundhed. Fokusset på seminaret var verdensmål 3 og 5, som handler om sundhed, køn og ligestilling. Derudover indebar programmet også et mere praktisk fokus på at lave videoer. Seminaret var en uge fuld af workshops, oplæg, gruppearbejde og kulturel udveksling.